
Liberia Education Advancement Program (LEAP), is a public private partnership (PPP) for education that aims to dramatically improve learning outcomes for children. The Education Sector Plan 2010-2020 aimed to provide all Liberians with the opportunity to access and complete affordable education of a quality, relevance and appropriateness that meets their needs and that of the nation.

The goal of LEAP is to rapidly improve numeracy and literacy outcomes for pre-primary and primary age children. The organization is managing fifteen (15) public primary schools in Bong and Montserrado respectively.

Our teaching is based on the rigorous and innovative methodology known as Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA) and Play-Based Learning.

  • Phonemic
  • Phonic
  • Reading
  • Comprehension
  • Writing
  • Counting
  • Comparing Numbers
  • Place Value and Composing/Decomposing
  • Number Patterns
  • Representation and Notation
  • Equivalence
  • Operations
  • Measurement
  • Geometry

Play-Based Learning is an experiential, participatory and guided approach, which enhances the teaching and learning process. Through play-based learning children organize and make sense of their world as they actively engage with their peers and leaders in educational games and activities. Play-based learning motivates and stimulates children and supports them in the development and consolidation of skills and concepts, while helping to shape their positive attitude towards learning and life.

Other education innovation includes:

  • Teacher training and professional development: providing regularly training for teachers, school administrators and PTAs
  • Instructional Materials: provision of educational supplies in line with national curriculum and Ministry of Education policy
  • Performance Management: M&E tools (teaching/classroom observation form, attendance form, etc.) to track both teachers and student’s performance

Supporting Effective Advocacy in Liberia (SEAL) project seeks to spark, scale and sustain nationwide advocacy efforts for inclusive wealth creation. Mercy Corps, Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation (KTK), the Government of Liberia and the European Union launched the four-year SEAL Project, aimed at promoting good governance and a vibrant civic sector during a critical moment in the country’s development. The project is financed by the European Union under the 11th European Development Fund. The goal of the project is to strengthen the individual capacities and collective efforts of Liberian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to promote good governance and a vibrant civic sector during a critical moment in the country’s development. The project provides technical and financial inputs at key moments for organizational development while supporting gender mainstreaming in daily operation and work.

The goal of LEAP is to rapidly improve numeracy and literacy outcomes for pre-primary and primary age children. The organization is managing fifteen (15) public primary schools in Bong and Montserrado respectively.